Super Hot Pepper Seeds

7 Pot Brain Strain Red
$ 4.55
Description: Scariest pepper on the planet. I don't care what the scoville tests say these are the hottest thing I have every tried. Brutal heat, somehow sometimes they seem a bit...

$ 4.00
Description: A cross created by my friend Agus in Indonesia between a Bhut Orange Copenhagen (BOC) and Genghis Kahn’s Brain (GKB). This is an extremely gnarly pepper with the...

Brent's Red
$ 3.50
Description: My friend Brent Retherford had grown some Big Red Mama Premium seeds and ended up with something a little different. His first few seasons he had smaller pods shaped...

Moruga Red Monster (MRM)
$ 4.50
Description: A large red superhot pepper with similarities to the Moruga Red Scorpion. Origin of it is uncertain but I got my seeds from Jim Duffy who reports this may...

Naglah Beast Caramel
$ 4.85
Description: One of the gnarliest peppers ever, this originated from my friend Garth at Texas Hot Peppers. These originated from the red Naglah Beast, and possible something else crossed in to...

Skunk Chocolate
$ 4.90
Description: An outstanding cross from Rocco M. in Italy. These are a superhot gnarly chocolate pod with very good taste. They are a cross between a Wartryx and 7 Pot...

Skunk Red
$ 4.00
Description: An outstanding cross from Rocco M. in Italy. These are a superhot gnarly red pod with very good taste. They are a cross between a Wartryx and 7 Pot...