Super Hot Pepper Seeds

Bhut Jolokia (Ghost) Caramel
$ 4.60
Description: Caramel strain of the famous ghost pepper. This one is a little thicker walled, probably some sort of cross in it's history to end up with this, but still...

Bhut Jolokia (Ghost) Chocolate
$ 4.95
Description: Chcolate strain of the famous ghost pepper. Please understand you are buying pepper seeds and non actual pods. The seeds are NON Isolated. If you are not familiar with this...

Bhut Jolokia (Ghost) Peach WM
$ 4.50
Description: My favorite strain of Bhut Jolokia. Not as bitter as some of the others and always has a great superhot taste. They produce a ton of pods, many of...

Bhut Jolokia Solid Gold x (Pink Tiger x Peach Bhut)
$ 4.15
Description: A great crossing of 2 great strains. These ghost like peppers this season ripened to a peach color. They were extremely hot and quite tasty and production was exceptional. ...

California Reaper
$ 4.95
Description: Cross between a Carolina Reaper and Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion. I have sold the Reaper x JPGS for several years, but now acquired seeds as the named California Reaper. I...

Chocolate Ghost Jami
$ 4.05
Description: Big, gnarly, chocolate peppers with intense heat. Created by Enrico Lai from the Peach Ghost Jami and an unknown father pepper. These are quite productive and much larger...

Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
$ 4.90
Description: Has to be one of the best superhots a person can grow. Very productive, super wicked shapes, and very nice color. These are very hot and make one of...

Peach Ghost Jami
$ 4.00
Description: Superhot variety of peach bhut jolokia. Hotter and better than the red version and really gnarly pods. Name after strain from Jami H. These are massive producers if in the...

Pink Tiger x Peach Bhut
$ 4.85
Description: This is one of my favorite peppers to grow. Tall dark leaved plants that just loaded up with these superhot pods. They have a shape similar to many of the...

Reaper x Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
$ 4.95
Description: Cross between a reaper and jpgs. Some of the pods were super nasty and gnarly like the first picture. Others just looked like wicked Jays Peach. Not 100% sure if...

Super Bhut Jolokia JW
$ 4.95
Description: This is another fantastic pepper strain my friend James Mallon shared with me. This is the Super Bhut Jolokia JW strain grown at the Weaver’s Meadow View Farm. James acquired...