Super Hot Pepper Seeds

Bhut Jolokia (Ghost) Chocolate
$ 4.95
Description: Chcolate strain of the famous ghost pepper. Please understand you are buying pepper seeds and non actual pods. The seeds are NON Isolated. If you are not familiar with this...

$ 4.25
Description: Wicked cross from K. Bane. These actually tasted pretty good, but were extemely hot. They are also heavy producers of gnarly red pods. The filial generation of this pepper is...

California Reaper
$ 4.95
Description: Cross between a Carolina Reaper and Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion. I have sold the Reaper x JPGS for several years, but now acquired seeds as the named California Reaper. I...

Catacombs Red
$ 4.25
Description: A K. Bane creation, this one is hot. Flavor isn't too bad for such a hot pepper, with not much floral at all. The filial generation of this pepper is...

Death Spiral x Primotalii
$ 4.75
Description: A cross of 2 of the hotter peppers out there, and now you get another superhot pepper. Gnarly pods, many with tails and damn hot. The filial generation of these seeds...

Defcon 7
$ 4.35
Description: The Defcon 7 pepper is a reddish caramel colored pepper that matures to about the size of a golf ball. It is a rare 7 pot type that is very hot. The...

FOX Purple Ghost Gnarly Ruby
$ 4.65
Description: This is a really great pepper developed by FOX Peppers. They are very hot and have a great taste. Pods start off almost all purple before ripening to the...

Hurt Berry
$ 4.85
Description: This is a cross between a Reaper and Jigsaw and then later a Moruga UV. One of the nicest super hots in the garden this year. Super bumpy pods,...

Mantis Claw Yellow
$ 4.65
Description: This is a K. Bane creation, and it is a really cool long yellow pepper that produces like crazy and is very hot and gnarly. The filial generation of this pepper...

Moruga Blackjack
$ 4.65
Description: Nice super hot cross that grows on a plant with dark leaves, create by Drax Diego. The peppers start out with a dark color that turns into a mix of dark...

Pimenta Da Dog
$ 4.95
Description: This was a really striking pepper. Very beautiful and really hot. It is a cross between a Trinidad Dog and Pimenta De Neyde. Very hot and tasty. The filial generation...

Pockmark Peach
$ 4.95
Description: The Pockmark Peach pepper is a cross between the Bhut Jolokia and pimenta De Neyde that originates in Australia. Pods have varying shapes at times, many as in the pictures have...

$ 3.50
Description: Don't have much information on this one. Plants are dark foliage and produce abundantly. Pods are bhut jolokia like and start off purple and ripen to mostly peach, and are...

$ 4.25
Description: A super hot pepper that is a cross between a Blue Ghost and Purple Phantom. The filial generation of this pepper is uncertain, which means it could still be unstable. You may...

Tiberius Mauler Peach
$ 4.90
Description: A cross I received back from my friend Brian H. I sent seeds to him for Leviathan Gnarly Scorpion and there was an obvious accidental cross. First we had...

WHP 066
$ 4.10
Description: Off pheno or cross from a Dark Naga Ruby pepper. These are shaped more like reapers or scorpions and start off purple and ripen to a dark reddish color...

WHP 067
$ 3.50
Description: The seeds I grew for this one were Thor's Hammer Peach. Everything I can find online for Thor's Hammer does not look like these, so I am assuming these...