Non Isolated Seeds

Bahamian Goat
$ 4.85
Description: This is one of the best peppers I have ever grown. Habanero class heat, with great flavor. Pods can be bonnet shaped, some grow stingers. They ripen to orange...

Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
$ 4.90
Description: Has to be one of the best superhots a person can grow. Very productive, super wicked shapes, and very nice color. These are very hot and make one of...

Scotch Brains
$ 4.85
Description: Cross between a scotch bonnet and 7 pot brain strain yellow. One of the best tasting peppers I have ever tried. Slightly hotter than a bonnet, less than a yellow...

7 Pot Brain Strain Yellow
$ 4.85
Description: One of my all time favorite peppers. This pepper has it all. Big pods, good production and taste is out of this world. Probably in the superhot category for...

Leviathan Gnarly Scorpion
$ 4.90
Description: This is one of my favorite superhots. This is an unknown cross from a Kraken Scorpion. There are a few variations of this but this one is my favorite...

Apocalypse Scorpion
$ 4.85
Description: Really great gnarly pods developed in Italy. Great heat on these and the taste is very good. No bitter, or floral or other nasty tones on this one. A great variety...

Reaper x Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion
$ 4.95
– Sold OutDescription: Cross between a reaper and jpgs. Some of the pods were super nasty and gnarly like the first picture. Others just looked like wicked Jays Peach. Not 100% sure if...

Star Scream
$ 4.75
Description: From the garden of James Mallon, comes the Star Scream. This is a cross between a Jay’s Red Ghost Scorpion and Yellow Carolina Reaper. This is one of the...

Bih Jolokia x Sugar Rush Peach
$ 4.90
Description: This is an outstanding cross. Most people thought it was one of the fruitiest peppers they have tried. Heat is habanero level or a little above to me. Plants...

$ 4.95
Description: This was created by Brian Seal. From what I understand he released this pheno of his Chocolate Nagabrains x Reaper cross as it was not the one he was looking for. ...

Bhut Jolokia (Ghost) Peach WM
$ 4.50
Description: My favorite strain of Bhut Jolokia. Not as bitter as some of the others and always has a great superhot taste. They produce a ton of pods, many of...

7 Pot Primo
$ 4.85
Description: This is the creation of Troy Troy Primeaux and is one of the hottest if not the hottest pepper in the world. They tend to be very productive and quite gnarly...

Bhut Jolokia (Ghost) White W Strain
$ 4.45
Description: Finally, a gnarly white bhut. These are just great. Big and bumpy, some pods over 5 inches long. Smooth clean burn, not brutal at all, but very nice. Please...

Big Yellow Mama
$ 4.40
Description: A favorite for sure. Huge pods, and just a beautiful pepper. Taste is great, has the nice yellow chinense flavor. Heat is probably somewhere between a scotch bonnet and a...

$ 4.95
Description: This was created by L. Minet from Belgium by crossing and Aji Fantasy with a Christmas Bell. I received my seeds from Semillas La Palma and they reported in the F6 growout...

Pineapple Ghost
$ 4.95
Description: A great cross from my friend John Varaday at Gnarly Pods. This is a cross between a Ghost Pepper and Aji Pineapple. These are huge pods, that ripen to bright...

Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Yellow
$ 4.50
Description: This is still the #1 pepper on the planet for me. Its just perfect. Big, thick walled bumpy, and so tasty. Has a lot of heat and super strong...

Habanero Chocolate
$ 4.25
Description: One of my all time favorite peppers. This is the pepper that got me back into growing peppers in 2014 after a long layoff. Hotter than most habanero strains with...

$ 4.95
Description: Wicked cross between a 7 Pot Primo and Fatalii. Some of the hotter and gnarlier peppers you can grow. These have some serious tails on them and a bumpy...

Reaper x SRTSL
$ 4.85
Description: This is an incredible cross originally created by Paul Willet and further selected for this shape by Giancarlo Fadda of Fadda's Peppers. If you like tails, this is the pepper...

Scotch Bonnet WHP II
$ 4.35
Description: NO ONE BUYS THESE? WHY? These are one of the best peppers I have if you like that strong citrus flavor common among the yellow chinense strains. This is...

Devil's Brain
$ 4.25
– Sold OutDescription: Created by PepperLover. These are one of my favorite superhots. They are long like a bhut, but thicker walled like a brain strain. The skin is wrinkled and reminds me...

Peach Miasma
$ 4.80
Description: Many years ago I sent some pods to John V. at Gnarly Pods for BBM x Reaper. He grew out some of the seeds and got this result. He had...

Elysium Oxide Scotch Bonnet
$ 4.45
Description: An incredible hybrid created by Stefan VG. It is a cross between a Douglah and Farie SB. Taste is out of this world and is much hotter than a...

Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Red
$ 4.95
Description: One of the best superhots you can grow. Production is good, heat is off the charts and they taste fantastic. A true favorite. Please understand you are buying pepper seeds...

Brain Collapse Peach
$ 4.90
Description: A Drax Diego creation, this is one big gnarly pepper. They have a brainy texture to them and ripen to a light peach color. Pods are brutally hot, but have...

Little Bastard
$ 4.80
Description: A new favorite small superhot. These are extremely hot and also one of the best tasting superhot strains. Massive production possible with these. The filial generation of this pepper...

White Hot Lime
$ 4.65
Description: This pepper showed up in 2016 from Black Bhutlah seeds. This was fromerly called Black Bhutlah X on my site. The F1 pods of this were very unique...

Sugar Drop Lemon
$ 4.95
Description: This baccatum variety, this is a Sugar Rush Peach crossed with an Aji Lemon Drop. It is very sweet with a touch of heat, better than both parents of the...

White Moruga
$ 4.85
Description: This is one of my favorite white peppers. These are more uniform than what I had in the past and almost every pod this year had a great moruga...

California Reaper
$ 4.95
Description: Cross between a Carolina Reaper and Jay's Peach Ghost Scorpion. I have sold the Reaper x JPGS for several years, but now acquired seeds as the named California Reaper. I...

Monkey Face Yellow
$ 4.25
Description: This is one of the most interesting annuum varieties I have ever grown. These were really big pods with a nice unique shape to them. They have a nice...

Trinidad Scorpion Orange Long Tail
$ 4.80
Description: One of my favorite scorpion peppers. This one was created by Butch Taylor. It has wonderful bright orange peppers with a relatively smooth skin and some long tails. Most...

Sugar Drop Orange
$ 4.95
Description: This baccatum variety, this is a Sugar Rush Peach crossed with an Aji Lemon Drop. It is very sweet with a touch of heat, better than both parents of the...

Scotch Bonnet Cappuccino
$ 4.50
Description: The seeds for these had a long route and a few years to get to me. I don't know the original history, but I obtained seeds from my friend...

Scotch Bonnet Allen Boatman TF
$ 4.35
Description: I got these from my friend John B. in the UK. I don't know Allen, but he has an amazing bonnet variety with this one. The shapes were very...

Orange Ribbon
$ 4.50
Description: This is a Bhut like pepper that is really outstanding and tends to be very long with a flattened ribbon like shape. Ripens to a great bright orange color. ...

$ 4.70
Description: This is a nice cross created by Joker Chili. It is a cross between Big Black Mama x Chocolate Moruga Brains. They are very hot, quite productive, and really...

Jamaican Hot Chocolate
$ 4.60
Description: Outstanding chocolate habanero type pepper from Jamaica. Seems very similar to standard chocolate habanero to me. Very hot and one of the best chocolate varieties you can grow. Please...

RB 003
$ 4.95
Description: Ross did it. What an amazing pepper from Ross Barber in AU. A new instant favorite. They don't get much gnarlier than this, and the production is great, the...

Gage's Giant Ghost Scorpion
$ 4.25
– Sold OutDescription: Years ago I sent my friend Gage Hymas some Jay's Red Ghost Scorpions and from that he had a natural cross that resulted in these. These are very large both...

Reaper x Moruga
$ 4.55
Description: This is a cross I got from my friend Peter Stanley. They are an incredible pepper with really cool shapes that show both the characteristics of the parents. The...

7 Pot Nebru
$ 4.50
Description: Great 7 Pot pepper that ripens to yellow. Nice shapes on these and great heat similar to 7 Pot Brain Strain. It is a cross between a 7 Pot...

Scotch Bonnet Safi Red
$ 4.00
Description: This is one of my favorite scotch bonnet strains. They have quite a bit of heat and a nice clean taste. It tastes completely different than the yellow bonnets, doesn't...

Machu Picchu
$ 4.60
Description: This is one of my favorite chocolate strains of peppers. These originate in Peru, and have a great taste and are relatively mild for a habanero type, not nearly as...

CGN 21500 x 7 Pot Barrackpore
$ 4.25
Description: A great cross that has resulted in a tasty very hot and uniquely colored pod. Plant foliage is dark. The filial generation of this pepper is uncertain, which means...

Bulgarian Carrot
$ 4.25
Description: This is one of my favorite annuum peppers. I have never been a big fan of annuums in general as I prefer the taste of capsicum chinense strains. But this...

Scotch Brains Orange
$ 4.00
Description: This orange variation came out of the Scotch Brains Red I have listed. I believe it to be a color variant, the pods are very similar in shape and...