New in 2024
New pepper seeds introduced in 2024.

RB 003
$ 4.95
Description: Ross did it. What an amazing pepper from Ross Barber in AU. A new instant favorite. They don't get much gnarlier than this, and the production is great, the...

White Reaper
$ 4.90
Description: I got these from my friend Garth at Texas Hot Peppers. I am sure they are a cross of some sort, but don't have the details. They are smoother...

Aji Lemon Balls
$ 4.90
Description: I got these from Matt at Matt's Peppers. From what I can find now, it appears they were discovered in Francis Gagnon's grow. They are a great aji type...

Douglah Inception
$ 4.95
Description: What a great pepper. These were created by Bryan at Towns-End Chili & Spice. Extremely hot and tasty. Here is Bryan's description, I did not come up with this...

KS Peach Starrkist
$ 4.90
Description: Another great pepper from Khang Starr. These are a variant from the Lemon Starburst. These have a big bigger pods than the KSLS for me. They are a great...

Jay's White Ghost Scorpion
$ 4.75
Description: I don't know the actual history behind this. I got the seeds from my friend Bill, but suspect their origins might go back to Tom Kleinfelter. Tom originally named...

CC Jigsaw Brains
$ 4.70
Description: I acquired these from Chillichump Seeds. They are a cross they created between a Jigsaw and Brain Strain. They look exactly like you would expect, long pods with a...

Chocolate Primo
$ 4.85
Description: A chocolate version of the famed 7 Pot Primo. I am not sure the lineage of this one, but assume it is likely a cross. I got these from my...

Jalapeño Brown
$ 4.60
Description: Probably a cross with something else, but this has been around for a while. They are relatively mild but very tasty. Pods are larger than a typical jalapeno. The...

Transylvania Slim Jim
$ 4.85
Description: This pepper is a cross between the Count Dracula and Thunder Mountain Longhorn varieties created by Matt at Matt's Peppers. The filial generation of this pepper is uncertain, which...

$ 4.50
Description: Another great pepper from Chillichump. This is a cross with a Jigsaw and Fatlii. They are big yellow elongated pods with a big of a brain texture. I love...

Chocolate Fatalii
$ 4.50
Description: I am sure this is a cross of some sort. They are quite a bit different than your typical Fatalii. Pods have thicker walls and are more mild to...

BBG7 x Peach Ghost Jami (No Calyx)
$ 4.45
Description: A cross between a 7 Pot Bubblegum (BBG7) and a Peach Ghost Jami. As often happens sometimes, future generations can change color a bit and also lose the bleeding...

WHP 068
$ 4.25
Description: I received RB 003 seeds from a friend. One of the plants had obviously crossed with an unknown strain with purple foliage. The result was a pepper very similar...

$ 4.50
Description: This was a variagated leaf plant with small pea sized pods that produced in abundance. I believe I got these from Matt at Matt's Peppers. Here is a quote...