Restocked in 2024
These are the seed varieties restocked in 2024.

7 Pot Bubblegum (BBG7) x Peach Ghost Jami
$ 4.85
Description: A cross between a 7 Pot Bubblegum (BBG7) and a Peach Ghost Jami. These ripen to a nice peach to orange color and have bleeding of that color into...

7 Pot Nebru
$ 4.50
Description: Great 7 Pot pepper that ripens to yellow. Nice shapes on these and great heat similar to 7 Pot Brain Strain. It is a cross between a 7 Pot...

Bombay Morich Orange
$ 4.90
Description: I was expecting red with these, but got an incredible orange superhot with very thing walls and that bhut / naga flavor. These could be a spontaneious color change or...

Brain Collapse Peach
$ 4.90
Description: A Drax Diego creation, this is one big gnarly pepper. They have a brainy texture to them and ripen to a light peach color. Pods are brutally hot, but have...

Chocolate Primotalii
$ 4.95
Description: These produce abundant gnarly chocolate super hot pods. They are probably a cross, as they are so different from the original primotalii, more so than would be expected from...

Hallow's Eve
$ 4.95
Description: A really nice cross created by Joker Chilli Farm. One of the more stiking peppers in the garden, ripening to orange with purple in it still. The filial generation of...

Pimenta Da Dog
$ 4.95
Description: This was a really striking pepper. Very beautiful and really hot. It is a cross between a Trinidad Dog and Pimenta De Neyde. Very hot and tasty. The filial generation...

Trinidad Scorpion ButchT
$ 4.65
Description: This is a former world record holder for heat. It is for sure one of the hottest peppers I have tried. This strain was selected out by Butch Taylor from...

WHP 006
$ 4.50
Description: This is a complete unknown, it is an unknown cross almost certainly and the plant tag was lost on this one. I have now grown this for 4 seasons,...