Restocked in 2024
These are the seed varieties restocked in 2024.

7 Pot Nebru
$ 4.50
Description: Great 7 Pot pepper that ripens to yellow. Nice shapes on these and great heat similar to 7 Pot Brain Strain. It is a cross between a 7 Pot...

Brain Collapse Peach
$ 4.90
Description: A Drax Diego creation, this is one big gnarly pepper. They have a brainy texture to them and ripen to a light peach color. Pods are brutally hot, but have...

Bulgarian Carrot
$ 4.25
Description: This is one of my favorite annuum peppers. I have never been a big fan of annuums in general as I prefer the taste of capsicum chinense strains. But this...

Jamaican Hot Chocolate
$ 4.60
Description: Outstanding chocolate habanero type pepper from Jamaica. Seems very similar to standard chocolate habanero to me. Very hot and one of the best chocolate varieties you can grow. Please...

Orange Ribbon
$ 4.50
Description: This is a Bhut like pepper that is really outstanding and tends to be very long with a flattened ribbon like shape. Ripens to a great bright orange color. ...

Pineapple Ghost
$ 4.95
Description: A great cross from my friend John Varaday at Gnarly Pods. This is a cross between a Ghost Pepper and Aji Pineapple. These are huge pods, that ripen to bright...

Scotch Brains XCP Yellow
$ 4.50
Description: This is an unknown cross that appeared in Christopher Philips’ garden in 2018. He is suspecting that the Scotch Brains may have crossed with a Bhutlah Scorpion, but that...

Sugar Drop Orange
$ 4.95
Description: This baccatum variety, this is a Sugar Rush Peach crossed with an Aji Lemon Drop. It is very sweet with a touch of heat, better than both parents of the...