Restocked in 2024
These are the seed varieties restocked in 2024.

7 Pot Bubblegum (BBG7) x Peach Ghost Jami
$ 4.85
Description: A cross between a 7 Pot Bubblegum (BBG7) and a Peach Ghost Jami. These ripen to a nice peach to orange color and have bleeding of that color into...

7 Pot Nebru
$ 4.50
Description: Great 7 Pot pepper that ripens to yellow. Nice shapes on these and great heat similar to 7 Pot Brain Strain. It is a cross between a 7 Pot...

Aji Mango x JPGS
$ 4.50
Description: A cross that I received from my friend Brad Dinger. He discovered it a few years ago from a friendly Pennsylvania grower/farmers market seller on Google+. These are a very tasty...

Big Mustard Mama
$ 4.75
Description: This pepper was created by Troy Primeaux by crossing a Naga Morich and 7 Pot Douglah. This is another variant that came out of the original Big Black Mama cross. The mustard...

Bih Jolokia Black
$ 4.50
Description: An outstanding and very productive and consistent hot pepper. These are very hot, but I don’t think they would be classified in the superhot scale. They were introduced by...

Blue Ghost (Peach)
$ 4.50
Description: Several years back Enrico Lai created the Blue Ghost by crossing a Yaki Blue Fawn and Peach Ghost Jami. His original creation had pods that ripened to red. On...

Hallow's Eve
$ 4.95
Description: A really nice cross created by Joker Chilli Farm. One of the more stiking peppers in the garden, ripening to orange with purple in it still. The filial generation of...

KS Lemon Starburst (KSLS)
$ 5.45
– Sold OutDescription: The famous cross from Khang Starr. These are a Scotch Bonnet MOA crossed with a Bahamian Goat I believe. Great producing plant of tasty pods ripening to a lemon color. ...

Orange Ribbon
$ 4.50
Description: This is a Bhut like pepper that is really outstanding and tends to be very long with a flattened ribbon like shape. Ripens to a great bright orange color. ...

Pimenta Da Dog
$ 4.95
Description: This was a really striking pepper. Very beautiful and really hot. It is a cross between a Trinidad Dog and Pimenta De Neyde. Very hot and tasty. The filial generation...

Pineapple Ghost
$ 4.95
Description: A great cross from my friend John Varaday at Gnarly Pods. This is a cross between a Ghost Pepper and Aji Pineapple. These are huge pods, that ripen to bright...

Scotch Brains XCP Yellow
$ 4.50
Description: This is an unknown cross that appeared in Christopher Philips’ garden in 2018. He is suspecting that the Scotch Brains may have crossed with a Bhutlah Scorpion, but that...

Sugar Drop Orange
$ 4.95
Description: This baccatum variety, this is a Sugar Rush Peach crossed with an Aji Lemon Drop. It is very sweet with a touch of heat, better than both parents of the...

Sugar Rush Stripey
$ 8.95
– Sold OutDescription: This is a great striped version of the Sugar Rush Peach. I found these to be much better tasting for me, and they definitely are an eye catcher in the...

WHP 006
$ 4.50
Description: This is a complete unknown, it is an unknown cross almost certainly and the plant tag was lost on this one. I have now grown this for 4 seasons,...