Hot Pepper Seeds

Aji Mango x JPGS
$ 4.50
Description: A cross that I received from my friend Brad Dinger. He discovered it a few years ago from a friendly Pennsylvania grower/farmers market seller on Google+. These are a very tasty...

Bih Jolokia x Sugar Rush Peach
$ 4.90
Description: This is an outstanding cross. Most people thought it was one of the fruitiest peppers they have tried. Heat is habanero level or a little above to me. Plants...

BOC x Aji Pineapple
$ 4.45
Description: A cross created by Bjarne Højlund. These are very tasty as many baccatum x chinense crosses are. They are quite hot but not near as hot as the Bhut...

CGN 21500 x 7 Pot Barrackpore
$ 4.25
Description: A great cross that has resulted in a tasty very hot and uniquely colored pod. Plant foliage is dark. The filial generation of this pepper is uncertain, which means...

Chocolate Fatalii
$ 4.50
Description: I am sure this is a cross of some sort. They are quite a bit different than your typical Fatalii. Pods have thicker walls and are more mild to...

Chupebrains White
$ 4.60
Description: This is a great pepper from Fadda. Taste is outstanding, super clean like many of the white strains, and a good heat. Small pods on a smaller plant for me...

$ 4.50
Description: This was a variagated leaf plant with small pea sized pods that produced in abundance. I believe I got these from Matt at Matt's Peppers. Here is a quote...

Fadda's Reaper Perfume
$ 4.50
Description: This is a great cross from G. Fadda at Fadda's Peppers. This was a really tasty one. The combination of Reaper x Trinidad Perfume really hit the spot for...

Fidalga Roxa
$ 4.50
Description: Very nice chinense strain with small colorful pods that start off mostly purple and ripen to a peach / purple. Pods are hot in the habanero range and taste...

Gator Jigsaw
$ 4.70
Description: Very nice green ripening pepper. This one appeared in my good friend James garden a few years back. Seems to be relatively stable. Some of the pods can be huge....

Ghostly Jalapeno
$ 4.65
Description: The seeds for these came from pods I received from my friend Jimmy T. The original cross was created by Jack Skaggs. They are a very unique pepper, gnarly looking but...

Goat Brains (Pale Yellow)
$ 4.65
Description: A few years back I planted a Bahamian Goat and Scotch Brains together in a small container and kept them relatively isolated from everything else in the grow that...

Hababon Peach
$ 4.20
Description: I assume this to be a cross with a Peach Habanero and an unknown scotch bonnet. I got some seeds for peach habanero to try a different strain and...

KS Lemon Starburst (KSLS)
$ 5.45
– Sold OutDescription: The famous cross from Khang Starr. These are a Scotch Bonnet MOA crossed with a Bahamian Goat I believe. Great producing plant of tasty pods ripening to a lemon color. ...

KS Peach Starrkist
$ 4.90
Description: Another great pepper from Khang Starr. These are a variant from the Lemon Starburst. These have a big bigger pods than the KSLS for me. They are a great...

MA Pale Rider
$ 4.00
Description: Really awesome pepper created by M. Arthur. These are habanero like and ripen to a very pale yellow or white. They are about habanero heat and have a wonderful...

Orange Ripple
$ 4.45
Description: Cool smallish orange pods with some really interesting and gnarly shapes to them. They all had tails. The filial generation of this pepper is uncertain, which means it could...

Pineapple Ghost
$ 4.95
Description: A great cross from my friend John Varaday at Gnarly Pods. This is a cross between a Ghost Pepper and Aji Pineapple. These are huge pods, that ripen to bright...

Saco de Velho
$ 4.50
Description: I got these seeds from my friend Sandra Tipton. These are a wonderful highly productive and quite hot yellow habanero like pepper from Brazil. These have a very strong...

Scotch Brains
$ 4.85
Description: Cross between a scotch bonnet and 7 pot brain strain yellow. One of the best tasting peppers I have ever tried. Slightly hotter than a bonnet, less than a yellow...

Scotch Brains (7 Pot Pheno)
$ 4.00
Description: This is another great pepper that not many people get. They in my opinion are better than the normal scotch brains with bigger pods and a bit more heat. ...

Scotch Brains Orange
$ 4.00
Description: This orange variation came out of the Scotch Brains Red I have listed. I believe it to be a color variant, the pods are very similar in shape and...

Scotch Brains XCP Yellow
$ 4.50
Description: This is an unknown cross that appeared in Christopher Philips’ garden in 2018. He is suspecting that the Scotch Brains may have crossed with a Bhutlah Scorpion, but that...

Swamp Thing
$ 4.50
– Sold OutDescription: There were several phenos of this last year from the original unknown cross. This season I had a yellow and the original green again. I did not get very many...

Sweet Purple (Peach)
$ 4.75
Description: This is a pepper created by Giancarlo Fadda by crossing a White Chupetinho with a Pink Reaper. These are a great small pod pepper with some nice heat and a...

Swiss Chocolate Cross
$ 4.70
Description: This is an unknown cross with a Swiss Chocolate. The Swiss Chocolate is normally a large chocolate mild habanero type pepper. These are a little hotter but not quite as...

Teja Habanero
$ 4.25
Description: This is an M. Arthur creation of a cross between a JPGS and a Purple Naga Brainstrain. Pods start off dark green and purple before ripening to mostly and orange...

White Moruga
$ 4.85
Description: This is one of my favorite white peppers. These are more uniform than what I had in the past and almost every pod this year had a great moruga...

White Naga
$ 4.00
Description: This is a nice small naga strain that ends up a very light yellow to white when ripe. Massive production with these and a nice clean taste. The filial generation...

White Reaper
$ 4.90
Description: I got these from my friend Garth at Texas Hot Peppers. I am sure they are a cross of some sort, but don't have the details. They are smoother...

WHP 065
$ 4.10
– Sold OutDescription: A new pheno from one of the Scotch Brains crosses I have been growing. The parents are uncertain except the original source is a Scotch Brains. This one is...