Capsicum Chinense Pepper Seeds

7 Pot Burgundy
$ 4.25
Description: This is one of my favorite 7 pot strains. Not as hot as many of them, but very tasty and just a beautiful pepper. The filial generation of this pepper...

7 Pot White
$ 4.25
Description: One of the hottest white varieties I have tried. Nice smooth clean burn though and solid thick walled pods, some of them getting very large. These can be difficult to...

Bhut Jolokia (Ghost) White W Strain
$ 4.45
Description: Finally, a gnarly white bhut. These are just great. Big and bumpy, some pods over 5 inches long. Smooth clean burn, not brutal at all, but very nice. Please...

Big Mustard Mama
$ 4.75
Description: This pepper was created by Troy Primeaux by crossing a Naga Morich and 7 Pot Douglah. This is another variant that came out of the original Big Black Mama cross. The mustard...

Big Yellow Mama
$ 4.40
Description: A favorite for sure. Huge pods, and just a beautiful pepper. Taste is great, has the nice yellow chinense flavor. Heat is probably somewhere between a scotch bonnet and a...

Bih Jolokia Black
$ 4.50
Description: An outstanding and very productive and consistent hot pepper. These are very hot, but I don’t think they would be classified in the superhot scale. They were introduced by...

Bih Jolokia Caramel
$ 4.00
Description: An outstanding and very productive and consistent hot pepper. These are very hot, but I don’t think they would be classified in the superhot scale. The pods get 3...

Blue Ghost (Peach)
$ 4.50
Description: Several years back Enrico Lai created the Blue Ghost by crossing a Yaki Blue Fawn and Peach Ghost Jami. His original creation had pods that ripened to red. On...

BOC x Reaper Orange
$ 4.55
Description: This was a fantastic pepper in every way. The heat was great, not insane but very respectable. The production was off the charts. The taste was very clean and not...

Brent's Apocalyptic Mustard
$ 4.40
Description: This is a unique mustard colored superhot that has shape characteristics reminding me of an Apocalypse Scorpion. The pod the seeds for this grow came from was red, so...

Demonic Goat
$ 4.40
– Sold OutDescription: A nice cross from my friend Micheal D. This is a cross between a Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Yellow and Bahamian Goat. Micheal had several different phenos come from...

Elysium Oxide Scotch Bonnet
$ 4.45
Description: An incredible hybrid created by Stefan VG. It is a cross between a Douglah and Farie SB. Taste is out of this world and is much hotter than a...

Gage's Giant Ghost Scorpion
$ 4.25
– Sold OutDescription: Years ago I sent my friend Gage Hymas some Jay's Red Ghost Scorpions and from that he had a natural cross that resulted in these. These are very large both...

Jay's White Ghost Scorpion
$ 4.75
Description: I don't know the actual history behind this. I got the seeds from my friend Bill, but suspect their origins might go back to Tom Kleinfelter. Tom originally named...

Jay's x Pink x Reaper Lemon
$ 4.95
Description: Jay's x Pink x Reaper Lemon Pepper is a cross by Marco Sanna between Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion, Pink Tiger, and Reaper Lemon. Pods start off with a lot of purple in them...

Lucifer's Lemons
$ 4.75
Description: A yellow BBG7 strain I got from Tom K. The filial generation of this pepper is uncertain, which means it could still be unstable. You may see variations in your...

Orange Ribbon
$ 4.50
Description: This is a Bhut like pepper that is really outstanding and tends to be very long with a flattened ribbon like shape. Ripens to a great bright orange color. ...

$ 4.75
Description: This is a cross created by Rocco Maltesi originally called Fatalli Gourment Jigsaw x Big Red Mama x Yaki Blue Fawn. These grow big purple / dark plants and...

Pink Spiral Red Long
$ 4.05
Description: This is a cross I got from Giancarlo at Fadda's Peppers. Nice pods that start off with a lot of purple on purple plants before ripening to red. Very productive....

Rhino DD
$ 4.35
Description: An interesting cross from Drax Diego. These are smallish elongated pods with a nice little scorpion like bottom. The filial generation of this pepper is uncertain, which means it...

Scotch Bonnet WHP II
$ 4.35
Description: NO ONE BUYS THESE? WHY? These are one of the best peppers I have if you like that strong citrus flavor common among the yellow chinense strains. This is...

Super Bhut x Pink Tiger x Peach Bhut (Peach)
$ 4.00
– Sold OutDescription: This is a variation that came from 2021's Super Bhut x Pink Tiger x Peach Bhut. These are equally highly productive and grow on a purple foliage plant, but...

Trinidad Scorpion Butch T Yellow
$ 4.00
– Sold OutDescription: Yellow version of the classic Butch T scorpion. Unsure who release the yellow version, but acquired original seeds from PepperLover. This one is significanly less heat than the original...

Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Yellow
$ 4.50
Description: This is still the #1 pepper on the planet for me. Its just perfect. Big, thick walled bumpy, and so tasty. Has a lot of heat and super strong...

White Hot Lime
$ 4.65
Description: This pepper showed up in 2016 from Black Bhutlah seeds. This was fromerly called Black Bhutlah X on my site. The F1 pods of this were very unique...

WHP 063
$ 3.25
Description: The WHP strains are off pheno or accidental crosses. They are mostly all going to be unstable strains. I make them available for the fun of growing the possible unknown. ...

WHP 064
$ 3.25
Description: The WHP strains are off pheno or accidental crosses. They are mostly all going to be unstable strains. I make them available for the fun of growing the possible unknown. ...

Yaki Blue Fawn x Pink Tiger (Red)
$ 4.00
– Sold OutDescription: I got this cross from my friend Sandra. The original was more of a peach / purple but this generation produced some nice purple / red pods. They are very...