Capsicum Chinense Pepper Seeds

7 Pot Douglah
$ 4.50
Description: Superhot brown/chocolate from Trinidad. Regarded as one of the hottest peppers in the world. The Douglah has a unique taste often times described as smokey. Its a pepper people...

7 Pot Primo
$ 4.85
Description: This is the creation of Troy Troy Primeaux and is one of the hottest if not the hottest pepper in the world. They tend to be very productive and quite gnarly...

Catacombs Red
$ 4.25
Description: A K. Bane creation, this one is hot. Flavor isn't too bad for such a hot pepper, with not much floral at all. The filial generation of this pepper is...

Death Spiral x Primotalii
$ 4.75
Description: A cross of 2 of the hotter peppers out there, and now you get another superhot pepper. Gnarly pods, many with tails and damn hot. The filial generation of these seeds...

Defcon 7
$ 4.35
Description: The Defcon 7 pepper is a reddish caramel colored pepper that matures to about the size of a golf ball. It is a rare 7 pot type that is very hot. The...

Hurt Berry
$ 4.85
Description: This is a cross between a Reaper and Jigsaw and then later a Moruga UV. One of the nicest super hots in the garden this year. Super bumpy pods,...

Leviathan Gnarly Scorpion
$ 4.90
Description: This is one of my favorite superhots. This is an unknown cross from a Kraken Scorpion. There are a few variations of this but this one is my favorite...

Moruga Red Monster (MRM)
$ 4.50
Description: A large red superhot pepper with similarities to the Moruga Red Scorpion. Origin of it is uncertain but I got my seeds from Jim Duffy who reports this may...

Naglah Beast Caramel
$ 4.85
Description: One of the gnarliest peppers ever, this originated from my friend Garth at Texas Hot Peppers. These originated from the red Naglah Beast, and possible something else crossed in to...

Reaper Naga
$ 4.25
Description: This is a great cross between a reaper and a naga. The pods are closer to reaper shapes and size, but a little different. They are very gnarly with...

Reaper x Moruga
$ 4.55
Description: This is a cross I got from my friend Peter Stanley. They are an incredible pepper with really cool shapes that show both the characteristics of the parents. The...

Reaper x SRTSL
$ 4.85
Description: This is an incredible cross originally created by Paul Willet and further selected for this shape by Giancarlo Fadda of Fadda's Peppers. If you like tails, this is the pepper...

Skunk Chocolate
$ 4.90
Description: An outstanding cross from Rocco M. in Italy. These are a superhot gnarly chocolate pod with very good taste. They are a cross between a Wartryx and 7 Pot...

Skunk Red
$ 4.00
Description: An outstanding cross from Rocco M. in Italy. These are a superhot gnarly red pod with very good taste. They are a cross between a Wartryx and 7 Pot...

Star Scream
$ 4.75
Description: From the garden of James Mallon, comes the Star Scream. This is a cross between a Jay’s Red Ghost Scorpion and Yellow Carolina Reaper. This is one of the...

Trinidad Scorpion ButchT
$ 4.65
Description: This is a former world record holder for heat. It is for sure one of the hottest peppers I have tried. This strain was selected out by Butch Taylor from...

Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Red
$ 4.95
Description: One of the best superhots you can grow. Production is good, heat is off the charts and they taste fantastic. A true favorite. Please understand you are buying pepper seeds...

WHP 006
$ 4.50
Description: This is a complete unknown, it is an unknown cross almost certainly and the plant tag was lost on this one. I have now grown this for 4 seasons,...

$ 4.85
Description: I got these from Semillas La Palma, but best info I could find on them was that they were a new hybrid created in Europe by a company that appears...