Capsicum Chinense Pepper Seeds
Bhut Jolokia Solid Gold x (Pink Tiger x Peach Bhut)
$ 4.15
Description: A great crossing of 2 great strains. These ghost like peppers this season ripened to a peach color. They were extremely hot and quite tasty and production was exceptional. ...
Blue Ghost (Peach)
$ 4.50
Description: Several years back Enrico Lai created the Blue Ghost by crossing a Yaki Blue Fawn and Peach Ghost Jami. His original creation had pods that ripened to red. On...
CGN 21500
$ 4.60
Description: Great pepper. Similar shape to a habanero, but likely in the roxa class of peppers. Plant foliage is a little darker than a typical pepper. They repend to a...
CGN 21500 x 7 Pot Barrackpore
$ 4.25
Description: A great cross that has resulted in a tasty very hot and uniquely colored pod. Plant foliage is dark. The filial generation of this pepper is uncertain, which means...
FOX Purple Ghost Gnarly Ruby
$ 4.65
Description: This is a really great pepper developed by FOX Peppers. They are very hot and have a great taste. Pods start off almost all purple before ripening to the...
Gator Jigsaw Purple
$ 4.75
– Sold OutDescription: Another wicked cross from Rocco at Soranapepper. Not sure what crossed in with the Gator Jigsaw to get the purple, but this is one wicked pod. They ripen to a...
Hallow's Eve
$ 4.95
Description: A really nice cross created by Joker Chilli Farm. One of the more stiking peppers in the garden, ripening to orange with purple in it still. The filial generation of...
Jay's x Pink x Reaper Lemon
$ 4.95
Description: Jay's x Pink x Reaper Lemon Pepper is a cross by Marco Sanna between Jays Peach Ghost Scorpion, Pink Tiger, and Reaper Lemon. Pods start off with a lot of purple in them...
Moruga Blackjack
$ 4.65
Description: Nice super hot cross that grows on a plant with dark leaves, create by Drax Diego. The peppers start out with a dark color that turns into a mix of dark...
Naga Smooky Rainbow
$ 4.95
Description: This is a pepper created by Drax Diego. These are quite remarkable little peppers that grow up on a dark purple / black plant with purple flowers. The peppers...
$ 4.75
Description: This is a cross created by Rocco Maltesi originally called Fatalli Gourment Jigsaw x Big Red Mama x Yaki Blue Fawn. These grow big purple / dark plants and...
Peach from Mustardgum
$ 4.15
Description: I acquired these from my friend Jeff H. They were an unexpected result from Mustardgum Nagabrains. The pods ripen to peach on a purple plant and are very productive. ...
Peach Reaper DS
$ 4.85
Description: An awesome Peach Reaper strain I got from Enrico Lai at Mojo Peppers. These are very hot and just coated with oil inside. This was one of the best...
Pimenta Da Dog
$ 4.95
Description: This was a really striking pepper. Very beautiful and really hot. It is a cross between a Trinidad Dog and Pimenta De Neyde. Very hot and tasty. The filial generation...
Pink Tiger x Peach Bhut
$ 4.85
Description: This is one of my favorite peppers to grow. Tall dark leaved plants that just loaded up with these superhot pods. They have a shape similar to many of the...
Pockmark Orange
$ 4.85
– Sold OutDescription: The Pockmark Orange pepper is a cross between the Bhut Jolokia and pimenta De Neyde. I received the seeds from my friend Sandra in Indiana, but it originates in...
Pockmark Peach
$ 4.95
Description: The Pockmark Peach pepper is a cross between the Bhut Jolokia and pimenta De Neyde that originates in Australia. Pods have varying shapes at times, many as in the pictures have...
Purple Peach
$ 4.45
Description: The filial generation of this pepper is uncertain, which means it could still be unstable. You may see variations in your grow from this description.Please understand you are buying...
Purple Reaper
$ 4.20
Description: I got these from my friend Carlos in Brazil. I don't know the cross or stability, but all the plants I grew were consistent. Pods were the same and plant...
$ 3.50
Description: Don't have much information on this one. Plants are dark foliage and produce abundantly. Pods are bhut jolokia like and start off purple and ripen to mostly peach, and are...
Super Bhut x Pink Tiger x Peach Bhut (Peach)
$ 4.00
Description: This is a variation that came from 2021's Super Bhut x Pink Tiger x Peach Bhut. These are equally highly productive and grow on a purple foliage plant, but...
Sweet Purple (Peach)
$ 4.75
Description: This is a pepper created by Giancarlo Fadda by crossing a White Chupetinho with a Pink Reaper. These are a great small pod pepper with some nice heat and a...
Sweet Purple (Purple)
$ 4.85
Description: This is a pepper created by Giancarlo Fadda by crossing a White Chupetinho with a Pink Reaper. These are a great small pod pepper with some nice heat and a...
Teja Habanero
$ 4.25
Description: This is an M. Arthur creation of a cross between a JPGS and a Purple Naga Brainstrain. Pods start off dark green and purple before ripening to mostly and orange...
$ 4.35
Description: This is a very interesting superhot strain created by Drax Diego. This is one of the darkest foliage plants we have ever grown. The pods start off nearly black...
$ 4.25
Description: A super hot pepper that is a cross between a Blue Ghost and Purple Phantom. The filial generation of this pepper is uncertain, which means it could still be unstable. You may...
WHP 053
$ 3.75
Description: The WHP strains are off pheno or accidental crosses. They are mostly all going to be unstable strains. I make them available for the fun of growing the possible unknown. ...
WHP 066
$ 4.10
Description: Off pheno or cross from a Dark Naga Ruby pepper. These are shaped more like reapers or scorpions and start off purple and ripen to a dark reddish color...
WHP 067
$ 3.50
Description: The seeds I grew for this one were Thor's Hammer Peach. Everything I can find online for Thor's Hammer does not look like these, so I am assuming these...
WHP 068
$ 4.25
Description: I received RB 003 seeds from a friend. One of the plants had obviously crossed with an unknown strain with purple foliage. The result was a pepper very similar...
Yaki Blue Fawn x Pink Tiger (Red)
$ 4.00
Description: I got this cross from my friend Sandra. The original was more of a peach / purple but this generation produced some nice purple / red pods. They are very...